Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ry turns 3

Yes, I know that this is old, but I am sure for the first little while of this blogging thing that most posts will be out of order, out of date, and all that other stuff. This was was Ry's third b-day on June 13, 2009. I can't believe how big this girl is. She is growing up so fast. She is sooo hilarious. I can't seem to get enough of her lately. She started pre-school this last week, and it has been greatly entertaining. Anyone who knows Ry very well, knows that she is pretty attached to those she knows and pretty scared and unfriendly with those she doesn't. Well she has been looking forward to going to pre-school all summer, but the closer it got, the more nervous she became. She kept saying funny little things, but my favorite was the morning she was starting school. She stood up in her crib (we are working on getting her a big bed--a room too, for that matter) and said while moving her hands up and down to showcase herself,"Mom, look at me. " I looked, but didn't see anything too interesting so I said, "What about you?" She answered with a matter of fact tone, "I am just too little to go to pre-school." LOVE HER. The first day of pre-school was a little hard for her and there might have been a small throwing up incidence, but her teacher is awesome, and the second day went much better. She is so amazing. She still has amazingly loud vocal chords too, but I think she is using them less and less. I hope
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