Sunday, September 20, 2009

collages from colorado

This is the first thing Nate did when we got to Colorado.  He loved watching the boys shoot.   Again, I am so grateful that everyone played so well together.  These boys never told him he was too little, and they were careful to watch out for him too.  Some of the "big" boys (Preston and JJ) did some shooting too, but I never took pictures of that.  Preston let Nate shoot his 22 the other day and Nate even hit the popcan.  He is growing up so fast.  All of these boys are growing up too fast.
This is what the "little boys" spent a lot of time doing.  Last year Grandma LouAnn gave them each a hammer with their name on it.  They have hammered many a nail since then.  They were very proud of this HUGE nail they extracted.  They worked very hard.  They also broke apart the old outhouse after it was thrown into their wood pile.  They keep talking about taking the wood up sea shell hill and building a fort, but right now I think they like taking things apart more than building things, but we will see what the years will bring. 

These are random pitcures that Ry took. She probably took 30 pictures but these are the ones that turned out ok.  She loves playing with the camera.  I love the one of Trey with his big blue eyes.  You can even see his tooth if you look closely.  I love the picture of her toes, too.  Anyway maybe one day she will be the next Ansel Adams or something. 

A few of my favorite things.  Enough said.
This is the coyote that Preston shot as we were leaving to come home.  Ry had been "looking for him a coyte(you would have to hear her pronunciation) to shoot" the whole time we were there.  Nate actually spotted one ten minutes before we saw this one, but Preston was never able to get a shot at it.  Then we come around the corner and well "BOOM."  Ry took the picture with it, but she kept telling us she was a little bit scared of it.  When Ry would tell the story she would state, "We saw two coytes, and my dad shot one but he missed the first one."  Preston would quickly argue that he did not miss the first one, he just never shot at it.  I told him that she had told her story to a few people and he was very concerned whether or not I had clarified that he had not shot at the first.  I loved listening to Preston trying to make Ry understand that and her going right back to saying he had missed it.  Too funny.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ry and Macee in Colorado

These girls were a lot of fun out at the mountain.  Megs and Nate probably think I take more pictures of Ry, but let's face it, for the most part that girl is with me 24/7. 
Anyway this is Ry riding Macee's hog.  She always thinks her friends should share their toys, but some days she struggles with thinking she should share hers too.

Miss Beautiful Brown Eyes

Miss Beautiful Blue Eyes

These girls played in the house more than the other kids because, well, they had to.  Anyway it was so fun to listen to them have conversations, and tell stories--some true and some not so true.

Both of the girls LOVED playing with Trey.  I'm pretty sure everyone out there loved playing and talking with Trey.  Love his dimple in the top picture.

Macee's dad took the girls on a horse ride.  He was soooo awesome.  He led those girls around for at least an hour or more.  Ry LOVED it.  She especially loved the fact that she was truly riding all by herself.  The day before, when she had gone with Preston and I, we kept a lead rope on Shorty, but on this ride NO ONE was holding Shorty at all, so she was one happy girl.

This is when they headed up a big hill and Ry kicked for all she was worth, but Shorty didn't want to move.  She was so funny.  I was pretty far away, but I could hear her yelling at Shorty, "come on get moving.  Let's go." She also made the little kissing noises her dad makes to get a horse to go.  I wish you could see how hard her legs were kicking.  Eventually her uncle Preston had to walk back down with Macee and grab Shorty's reins to get him moving. 

Miss So Big and SO Independant

Off to more adventures.

Thanks everyone who helped watch Ry and keep her entertained out there.  Again I am so grateful for all of you!

The Island

This was one of the funnest things about Colorado. It always is. The kids love to go across the road without the supervision of adults, and the great thing is, is they don't need it. Even if we send the little ones over we know they are going to be watched. And if the kids fight, they must resolve it themselves because we never hear about any bickering. This year all the girls were island girls and the boys were either soldiers or island boys. Their island was awesome. The girls had a house and the boys had a house. They invited each other to dinner and parties. Asa made an awesome cake. Apparently it was for the wedding ceremony that I missed, but I think Jeanna was there for it, so her post may one day show that. I love the imagination the kids have. I love that they know how to be kind to each other. I love that we have the school house in Colorado and that we have that little reunion there on labor day. I went out a couple of times earlier this summer and the kids always have fun, but it is definitely not the same without all of the cousins.

MarDawn says their island reminds her of a favorite book Roxaboxen which I have never seen or read, but now I want too. Anyway this was one of the favorites for the weekend even though there was so much else that went on. Hopefully I will be able to post some more of that great weekend. Again, I am grateful for Preston's family, and the great love these cousins share. I hope they remember these good times, and in a perfect world this labor day weekend will last generations to come.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ry's haircut

So I was reading all the blogs that I tend to read last night and saw that my brother Tyler had posted a new one.  It was all about Sky's haircut.  So cute!!  Anyway that was last night and before noon Ry has a new haircut just like her cousin Sky.  She looks super cute.  She has been trying to call Sky to tell her and to tell her to come to Grandma's to play, but no one will answer the phone.  Ry doesn't get the meaning of Sky lives a long long ways away.  Anyway I have been wanting to cut Ry's hair, but she wouldn't let me, so thanks Keni.  We have two awesome cute girls.  I will hopefully be posting a long post later this week about our awesome labor day weekend in Colorado, but I'm not there yet.  By the way Grandma Forrest did the cutting, not me.  For as many talents as my mom has, I sure don't seem to get any through the gene pool.  I think that is my talent in life--to keep looking for a talent.  Anyway thanks Keni, Sky, and Grandma.  Ry looks so cute eve  n if she was being a bum for the pictures.
She also wouldn't let me do her hair, but that was one of the whole purposes of the haircut.
I LOVE this face!!