Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coloring eggs on Good Friday

Ry was so excited for Sky to come down for Easter this year.  These cousins definitely don't get to see each other often enough. 
The girls did the first couple of eggs in the egg spinner, but if I am being honest, I love this toy way more than any of the kids do.  Just place an egg in with a little of the dye gel and push.  The eggs spins and then you get a camo like egg.  Cool, huh?!
In all reality though, coloring eggs is a little boring for a 3 year old.  Who wants to sit and watch an egg in a cup?  So these girls were up and down, and I think Ry would have been down from the counter even more, but I told her she had to stay at the table to eat her chips. 
Megs was an awesome helper, and they all enjoyed putting stickers on the eggs.....for about 2 minutes then it was more fun to put the stickers on their own bodies. 

So cute.  I would definitely pick them up if I saw them hiding in a bush!
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1 comment:

Team Burtenshaw said...

I am very happy to find this here blog! :) Very cute kids, and I'm so glad I can keep up with your latest now. Love the April fools dinner too! Thanks for the invite to view!